
评论人:jay |
发表时间:2003-06-30 06:40:41 |
better than you |
评论人:朱怀明 |
发表时间:2003-06-28 14:58:11 |
好丑 |
评论人:Jay |
发表时间:2003-06-28 11:39:05 |
I aint' come to be mean, evil could be good.
May be it's not the right word.....I mean,
It's SICK!!(in + weird + extraodinary + dispirited)
Anyway,`tis sth. I admire. |
评论人:夏之梦 |
发表时间:2003-06-27 19:56:54 |
你可以和我联系吗?xueman613@yahoo.com.cn |
评论人:眼睛蛇 |
发表时间:2003-06-27 19:31:23 |
别样的感觉!? |
评论人:彩虹公主 |
发表时间:2003-06-27 15:50:59 |
. . .sue . . .like |
评论人:Angel |
发表时间:2003-06-27 09:42:12 |
It's sooo cool...
I wanna draw a girl like that but I am sure that I am not gonna to copy yours~~
what a cool pic. |
评论人:小叶儿 |
发表时间:2003-06-26 11:46:59 |
嗯 ~~~~ 很好呀 很不错 我很喜欢 |
评论人:sue |
发表时间:2003-06-25 13:06:45 |
~别一来就骂我~~~~~~~55~``````` |
评论人:Jay |
发表时间:2003-06-25 01:06:28 |
...sue...evil........ |
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